Asocial scientific highways Teodulo Lopez Melendez is obvious the influence of science and technology for the configuration of modern societies. Between both – that coexist in mutual benefit – have changed, not always for the better, the relationship with nature and the interaction between living beings, have influenced the philosophical positions and have been delineated social and political structures. The 20th century was especially rich in progress in these areas, from the beginning of the industrial revolution, with dramatic consequences on the social organization. The theory of relativity opened space for cosmological speculation and the emergence of quantum theory revolutionized the laws of physics. Then came the rise of biology, with the decipherment of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), biology and molecular genetics. Structuralism, anthropology, the rise of neoliberalism, countless changes and perspectives.
The notion of unlimited progress are already faltered to purposes of this neat century on scientific advances and the role of reason as Supreme Guide was questioned. In the philosophical field moved the scientific and technological subject to social criticism. After such notable advances the man came to believe the owner of all. The World Conference on Science (Budapest, 1999) argue with clarity the need for generation of a new social contract for science and technology, understood how to adapt them to the new political, social and environmental realities. The requirement is the Guide Science and technology towards the needs of the populations human to bring about a comprehensive development and meet the social demand without market value.
A role was assigned to citizenship without that necessitate mechanisms to achieve this democratization. It is true that today societies turn toward science claiming a role of power in the production of knowledge, social control and a new statute epistemic for science. Today of communication technologies and the private participation in the financing of scientific research results become merchandise. From the poor world calls for research on lines not capable of producing economic benefits and others sought to forced getting medication for diseases such as AIDS or questioned the big pharmaceutical companies patents.