Tag Archives: spirituality

Exercise And Meditation

In order to get your eyes to remain 'in place', look no interlocutor for each eye at a time (usually unconsciously), and concentrate his attention on his nose and hold, whatever the cost. At a regular concentration, you get rid of this harmful, unconscious habits. The next stage – distraction. This exercise, akin to a […]


At the same time do not forget about her family. Select with them for a weekend out of town, on the nature .. Just be careful: some Taurus in April, will be weakened immunity, and this can cause various chronic diseases. GEMINI April will be for you have a month to strengthen old relationships. Simultaneously, […]

Feng Shui

terms of generation of five elements of the EARTH> METAL> Water> Wood> Fire Element earth – this is our land, our daily world realities. The physical body and the earth element, and if this element a lot or a little man, then there are diseases of muscles, bones, skin, spleen, stomach, and pancreas. Part of […]