Tag Archives: sports

High-class Halle Magic

The Futsal masters of Wurttemberg Football Association inspire ROTHENBURG, HEDELFINGEN (RL) – in Stuttgart-Hedelfingen the C-Juniors took place this past weekend Futsal masters of Wurttemberg Football Association we. 15 teams from the districts of Andrew had qualified for the final of the Association and at the end of last year’s winner SV rooms would have […]


Among the lifters duration of rest between sets for 7-8 minutes is not uncommon, and one of the authors of the famous publication 'Flex', testified that athletes have really huge hands are quite capable of making a break of 8-10 minutes between sets for the biceps with a barbell over 100 pounds! Principle Five: The […]

What Is Bodybuilding? Basics And Tips For Effective Muscle Building

What is bodybuilding and how to effectively build muscles when one hears the word bodybuilding, most people think that Arnold Schwarzenegger or changing muscle mountains throw a muscle preparations. Bodybuilding is the maximum of the fitness sports. Of course, there is also the way to put his emphasis on the endurance or pronounced abdominal muscles. […]


Endurance is the national sport number 1 in Germany in addition to the traditional sports is the most famous sport of endurance sports, where there are a wide range of variations. These go by rowing, cycling up to continuous operation. In the context of the endurance sports it’s, that the athletes very long a permanently […]