Monthly Archives: April, 2014

Pioneering: Frog Cleaner

“Frog gets cleaner first in Europe ‘Cradle to cradle CertifiedCM Gold certification’ product from the House of Werner & Mertz in Europe for the first time has convinced renowned Institute for environmental Institute EPEA international Umweltforschung” with the frog of citrus shower & bathroom cleaner a product from the cleaning industry awarded cradle to cradle […]

Private Health Insurance

When to expect a rejection of self-employed status is long no guarantee for admission to private health insurance. So certain professions is expected according to the private insurance portal experience shows that a detailed credit check. Especially people who practise professions with a high health risk or heavy physical usage, be critically checked by […]

Lungenerkankungen Health

Vienna back hospital the smokers lungs with intelligent data analysis to tackle, the 01 December 2011 in Vienna, Otto Wagner, launched the largest and longest study on the health status of the Austrians (the Austrian LEAD study). Over a period of 12 years, the health examines regularly by approximately 10,000 citizens. The thereby incurred amounts […]

Pharmaceutical Attention

Pharmaceutical Attention – Practical Theory and: a Possible Dialogue? The Pharmaceutical attention comes being introduced in Brazil with different sources and understanding, many times without lines of direction systemize techniques and all taking in account the philosophical content praised by its idealizers where the pharmaceutical attention is essential responsibility of the druggist and this aims […]

Childbirth Survey

As exclusion criteria articles without summary, articles in another language that are not the cited ones above. Delimitation of the time for Bibliographical Survey did not have, therefore, the delimitation of the time was determined in function of the comment in the literature of a publication number that contains thematic the proposal, as well as […]