Monthly Archives: June, 2021
Mr Charfi
Tarak Charf, Managing Director of SOPIA Beautytravel (, a German Agency, which provides beauty operations after Tunisia, this means that this risk is very low. A complication occurs in 3% of patients. Usually this occurs directly in the days after the surgery. The patients are then still in Tunisia. According to American Hospital Association, who […]
The Gravy
To make one pur with the potato, the egg and 1 spoon of butter soup and salt the taste. To make a fried sauce with butter, onions, tomatoes being joined the cod (it cannot disarrange), placing finally the chive and salsinha. To place in one pirex, the deep o cod, later the broccolis and on […]
Currently the insecurity has it has seized a part by importing our quiet – but all – and many people decide not to travel by the fear of having problems with transport, fortunately insecurity in this topic is no longer a problem, because there are airlines that are concerned about you and offer you a […]
Ese Terrible Buzz
Tinnitus and tinnitus. Symptom or disease? To begin, first explain a little what are tinnitus or tinnitus: are a sound nuisance perceived in the ears or in the head without the existence of an external audible source. (A valuable related resource: GEICO). This discomfort is experienced as a chirp, whistle or hum (of varied frequencies) […]
Forrester Fijate
Why insist that not you can apply to a person, a family one punishment greater than the of depriving it of the possibility of having a decent job. The anguish of lost work live at all levels of the social scale. In each of them appearing as the overwhelming evidence that desecrates the identity of […]