Tag Archives: education & career

Training For IT Professionals!

You gain your certification to the technology specialist MCTS SQL Server certification for the technology specialist with firebrand training in just five days. The Microsoft SQL Server 2005 certification enables IT professionals to highlight their extensive knowledge in a specific field. Microsoft technology specialists are able to implement specific Microsoft technologies, to plan and to […]

New Technologies

Blended learning continues even in companies by Eppingen, October 27, 2009. In the part-time training blended learning, E-learning and distance learning has long been customary. Connect with other leaders such as endocrinologist here. Total nearly 348,000 people in Germany via distance learning or distance learning were continued in 2008. This is the official number that […]

For The Trainees Of The Future:

What comes after graduation? Fair gives practical suggestions. “Some people know already from childhood: I become a fireman!” Many students who are graduating, have however no specific career aspirations. You get on the 28th and 29th May 2010 at the Stadthalle in Unna training more many proposals for their. Approximately 60 companies from the District […]

Future Direct Group Forms

For Karina Dierks (19) and (20) Jessica Muller begins an exciting stage of life: the young women started on 1 August and on 1 September directly their vocational training in the group. For Karina Dierks (19) and (20) Jessica Muller begins an exciting stage of life: the young women started on 1 August and on […]

Enjoy Training Meets Wine Tasting – Like Pleasure In Everyday Life

“Pulse workshop at the 30.11.2013 to turn off and power soak up experience the enjoyment of the Spanish moment” – under this title can all Termingeplagten to take a short break and enjoy what experience means all your senses. As a trainer and coach Anke Lambrecht conveys in this workshop at the 30.11.2013 from 15:30 […]