If you think about money all around us, parents constantly make purchases, receive a paycheck, pay bills, take or give a loan. In the advanced "families" keep records of expenditures, "lay" and invest money. Therefore, literally from birth, the baby is immersed in this environment, absorbs any of the information – from the TV (credit – zero percent) and talking on the street, on the basis of this little man tries to understand what is happening around him. The process of natural "wicking" to add the systems does not interfere, and it means – think about it, how to talk to the crumbs of money, as familiar with them, and when they finally give them control. In very young age a child is enough to show the kid clean-washed coin different denominations, that he "felt" them and got used to the fact that money may be different. Then as they grow up to actively expand the "money" outlook, adding a foreign coin collection "coppers" and "pieces of silver", as well as small paper notes.
At this age, learning to perfect their favorite books and cartoons, the creators are usually creative approach to the description of the laws of money in the world. Let us recall the "Buttermilk" in brilliant aphorisms Kota Matrosskina and accessible "obyasnyalkami" such complex, in general, the economic relations of exchange, lease, purchase, etc. "Erectus" the kid enough to comment on how you make a purchase, put in a bank account or withdraw money from your account. Use any occasion – from sales to travel in cash and carry – to explain to children where the money come from and where disappear. What is the wholesale price, and what retail, markups and discounts. The kids delighted with the idea to be as adults. Let the child pays the seller himself, so he soon realizes that everything that we receive, we take no gift, and in exchange for strange paper.