Tag Archives: home and family
Do not try to force a cat to take exactly the place you for her schedule. Try to do it gently and do not immediately. She realized that it is required. Cat can not be fully house trained, but it can be an excellent partner. Dr. John Mcdougall: the source for more info. Do not […]
Canine Geneology
Group of shepherds, in Keller, comes from the Indian wolf, which in the early twentieth century was considered a separate species, but is now classified as a small subspecies of gray wolf. Center of origin of hounds, a very old group, is in ancient Egypt. Hounds are mentioned in the times of the Old Kingdom, […]
School Financial
If you think about money all around us, parents constantly make purchases, receive a paycheck, pay bills, take or give a loan. In the advanced "families" keep records of expenditures, "lay" and invest money. Therefore, literally from birth, the baby is immersed in this environment, absorbs any of the information – from the TV (credit […]