
The work in the UTI must focus not only the ability technique to handle the hard technology and leavening used for the care, but also, the qualification of the workers to deal in way more human being as well as with the individuals that meet and its familiar ones there (technologies light-shelter), with excessively diligent of this place and institution. The work in the UTI is multiprofessional and not to interdisciplinar, in which each category makes its part, compartimentalizado, each professional group if organizes and gives part of the assistance of separate health of excessively, many times duplicating efforts and until taking excessively professional contradictory attitudes to that participate of the assistance, subordinating itself it the medical decisions, but each professional category keeps certain autonomy of evaluation and taking of decisions. When this does not occur, has consequences right-handers in the quality of the given services. One becomes important, then, ' ' to extend the spaces of and in common same action the cooperation between the professionals, leading to an enrichment of the set of the interventions in health, becoming them more public and compromised with the interest of usurios' ' (23). FINAL CONSIDERAES the cares of health destined the aged patients have been frequent subject in literature during the last few years. The growth of the number of people with 60 years or more, as well as of the life expectancy, translates an increase in the admissions of patients in this etria band in the UTI. With this, the comorbidades, the cognitiva function and the functional state start to be component important of the cares (6). Given to the high cost of these intensive cares and the increasing number of serious aged patients needing UTI, she is necessary to evaluate the factors related to its evolution. Valley to add that the process of behavior change that we idealize for the team, aiming at taking care of humanizado more, is slow.

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