Cerebral Vascular Accident

The relations and alterations with aging are identical the cited ones previously, for which in general way the advance of the age does not mean the comprometimento of the motor system, but when allies the injuries and illnesses, can compromise. When evaluating this context we can identify that the main origin of alterations in the central nervous system can occur through the patologias, illnesses or injuries as for example: (Cerebral Vascular Accident, Tumors among others). In certain way the SNC can absorb the consequences of aging process, being that it by itself in healthful aged individuals does not possess a significant comprometimento, that can intervene seriously with its functioning, except when the pathological injuries and illnesses are associates. pulmonarNeste system system when we analyze the aging of healthful individuals if observes that the actions of modification of the same are slow and gradual, in certain way the pulmonary function sufficiently is preserved until the 80 years of life (KAUFFMAN, 2011). A factor that can influence in precocious way its decline would be the patologias that for times finish causing limitations that come to compromise the performance in physical activities (KAUFFMAN, 2001). Based still in the studies of Kauffman (2001), the effect of the advanced age can provoke alterations in the structure of the pulmonary system, in way that the smooth fabrics, the muscular staple fibres and the special skeleton in the torcica box, directly are affected and can not only influence in the performance of breath, harms also can have some relation in the performance of the position, and the march in this relation with pulmonary system when related to the exercise. Still for Kauffman (2001), these muscular and esquelticas relations are influenced by the loss of elasticity of fabrics of the alveoli, the weakness of the abdominal respiratory muscles and the reduction of the mobility of the torcica box, in such a way if they observe that the structural actions occur in set for the decline of the pulmonary functions in the aging. . .

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