Main Ratio

The hipertensiva illness and its complications are responsible for the increase of the internments and are between the main causes of death in adults in the city of So Paulo. The cardiac insufficience is the main cause of hospitalization between the cardiovascular afeces, being two times more frequent of what the internments for cerebral vascular accident (BROWN et al., 2007). The biggest problem to inside keep the arterial pressure of desirable levels, still is the lack of adhesion to the treatment, that grows to the measure that elapses the time after the beginning of the therapeutical one. Some aggravations can be identified in the adhesion to the treatment antihypertensive, as: the cronicidade of the illness, the absence of specific sintomatologia and complications in long stated period, age, sex, race, escolaridade, occupation, civil state, religion, cultural habits of life and aspects. The work of the multiprofessional team will be able to give to the patients, and to the community, motivation enough to win the challenge to adopt attitudes that become the anti-hipertensivas actions permanent effective and (OLIVEIRA, 2003).

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