The Care

The gotten Results had been: (92%) of the patients they had been evaluated by means of the protocol; (58.3%) they are of the feminine sex, (41.7%) of the masculine sex, keeping prevalence in the medical diagnosis respiratory insufficience (26.0%), Postoperative (10.41%), enceflico vascular accident (8.33%), Trauma skull-enceflico (6.25%), others (49%); of these (81.25%) they presented complete skin; (18.75%) they presented not complete skin, with predominant localization of injury in sacrococcgena region and trocanteriana.38 After to analyze the complexities of the patients and the classification of the patologias preexisting, had been applied the actions of prevention in the patient who presented high risk for UPP.38 development the authors of this article, had concluded that the UPP constitutes a serious problem in the hospital institutions, almost always predominantly in the patients interned in UTI, therefore they possess predisponent factors, intrinsic and extrinsic, that is, they have high predisposition to the UPP development. It does not have in the country, given official as in other countries that represent the prevalence and incidence of such problem, and the esteem costs of the methods of prevention and treatment, that also demand the suffering, pain for the patient, family, material, time of nursing and complications. 39 Equally, she has not given concerning prevention costs that are less dispendiosos. Therefore, the survey of the authors of this article, evaluates that application of the protocol in the 48 patients interned in UTI in 2004, is distinguished it importance of the cares of referring Nursing to the integrity of the skin. The protocol is an important instrument that it contributes and it assists in it practises of Nursing, making possible accompaniment of the clinical situation of the patient, and assists in the management of the care. 39 When analyzing the intitled article ' ' Protocol of monitorizao of the critical patient with risk to develop UPP' ' in 2004.

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