Therefore we believe that this study it will be contibuindo with the spreading of this pathology. The study it had its relevance for the nursing as it was verified in the presentation of the case, accented the shady prognostic of the condition, where its importance is not valued duly. In this context, we transmit the necessity of the precocious intervention. References 1Altzelevitch C; Brugada P; Brugada J. Brugada Syndrome.
From cell you bedside. Curr Probl Cardiol. 2005; 30:9 – 54. 2Matsuo K; Akahoshi M; Seto S. et al. Disapperance of Brugada-type Eletrocardiogram to after surgical castration: and in explanation rolls it will be testosterone will be the male predominance. PACE.