More Colors – More Immunity

Specialists, nutritionists recommend that the United States to strengthen the body's defenses to choose colorful fruits and vegetables – as they are useful for maintaining health. Dr. Amy Hendel (Amy Hendel) as a confirmation says these words about the results of the study are given in the journal Phytonutrient Report: a body of useful content fitoveschestv decreases significantly when the diet "monochrome". The article states that all foods can be classified to the five basic colors: green, red, blue / purple, yellow / orange, white. Depending on the color saturation fitoveschestvami in fruits and vegetables are different, so you need to combine them.

The number cabbage, pomegranate, pink grapefruit, cranberry), which will strengthen the immune system and normalizes the cardiovascular system, yellow or orange (carrots, sweet potatoes, pineapple, pumpkin), which are also useful for immune system, eyes, heart, and water-salt metabolism in skin cells. Colorful menu is recommended for daily food and should gradually become a useful habit, says Amy Hendel. Another interesting result bccktljdfybq Dr. Amy Hendel is a conclusion that tselnozlakovye contribute not only to reduce weight, but also normalizes blood pressure. The results are impressive: the men who prefer food from muffins not ground grains, daily 85-gram serving of whole grains, regardless of gender.

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