Knowledge Consultation

In regards to the use of alcohol and drugs, the gestantes had related not to use no type of psychoactive substance during the gestation, however some socially use the alcoholic beverage and the tobacco previously to the period. The actual damages for the use of drugs in the human organism and the necessity of the combat and reduction of these substances in the familiar environment had been emphasized. The right of the gestante was a peculiar subject, therefore the gestantes knew the rights social as: attendance in boxes special, priorities in the line of banks, supermarkets, access to the door of the front of capacities and preferential seat, however did not demand its rights. In relation to the labor laws the majority had the knowledge of the license maternity of 180 days, on the other hand found that they could be dismissed when pregnant, and were unaware of the right of being excused from the work two times to the day for at least 30 minutes suckling, until the baby to complete six months. 12 By occasion of the first prenatal attendance, all the enrolled gestantes would have be set appointments for consultation of routine in the units of health that make use of odontolgico service; in case that contrary, it must be referenciada (7). The majority of the participants of the group demonstrated distrust and many prevented to carry through the consultation with the dentist of the unit, being been thus, the gestantes had been guided how much to the importance of the odontolgico accompaniment, desmitificando the effective knowledge and inserting them in the odontolgica agenda Ahead of some manifestations of the participants we look for to have a more enlightening attitude in some worked subjects. The understanding of the argued subjects was occurring gradual to the meeting and the results reflect with a bigger adhesion to the consultations of prenatal, use of medications correctly, accomplishment of the examinations disgnostic, gestantes with arterial and glicemia pressure folloied biweekly in the unit, adhesion to the odontolgica consultation, awareness on the rights, among others.

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