Federal Constitution

What it is considered an impediment to the development and magnifying of the assistance of the health services. Thus the public politics established in the attendance of the necessities and basic human rights must constitute the main axle of the social politics of the State, structuralized since the Federal Constitution of 1988 in its Article 6: Social rights. The implementation of social rights in the public systems of Health, Providence, Social Assistance, Safe Unemployment and Basic Education, that are main the responsible ones for the implementation of the monetary benefits and in species destined to the families; with the politics of voluntary transferences of income to the families who live in the line of the poverty the example of the program Stock market Family. The consequences of the investment in social politics had been the improvements in the distribution of income, especially affects positively the income of the families poor. Another important component of the social politics of health based on rights is offers of essential public services for the maintenance of the life inlaid in the SUS, exactly that expressed in monetary benefits it indirectly does not affect directly and the quality of life of the population. Being the integrant SUS of the system of instituted basic social rights it depends on the resources of the State, inspectors and of the social contributions, being that to fulfill to the important paper equaliser of the health system the redistribution of social income is crucial. But this distributive movement still is precarious for the following reasons: lack of significant advances in the inclusion of good part of the economically active population that not yet is taken care of by the integrant systems of the Social security; changes taxes of redistributivo character to make possible the inclusion of the excluded ones to the health services, Express under form of monetary and not monetary benefits, beyond the reduction of the social inaquality.

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