Corina Luggage

Nobody could open the luggage trusted per long 40 years to the Corina owner, who protected it of the curiosity of the children and grandsons with all the authority force that the parents had on the children in those years. The honesty for this people was imperative quality. The luggage age of Mrio Barros, the first friend that had conquered when arriving at the State of Par, when northeasterns migraram of lands. In the attic of the hen house, he was dusty maleta there wooden, that the teias of spider already thickened per the many years accumulated there. The small fragile wooden stairs that also allowed the access already spoiled for the action of the time and estalava when it went up to observe the hens that shocked its eggs there. The curious boy only wanted to observe the work that the hens had to bring to the world those satiated hatches of pintinhos that piavam incessantly.

All well-taken care of was little not to scare the hens ' ' chocadeiras' ' , therefore lagartixa, very intent slid as one to perceive with antecedence the presence of any peonhento insect and to prevent movements brusque. The boy saw the luggage that seemed to say some thing as in one of these films where somebody discovers a treasure. the curiosity as approached them to a magnet, that moment was extasiante, and a mixture of herosmo with subservincia gave to the episode a sphere of inexplicable excitement as the feeling of a taming pirate. Vov, vov, I already know what he has inside of the luggage of its Mrio Barros. He does not say that he opened that luggage.

I said pra not to move. Those things are not ours, my son, nor want to know what it has inside of it. You did not take off nothing of there, you took off? Not vov, I only wanted to know what he had. Now already I know. With passing of the days the curiosity of the other members of the family increased to know what it had inside of the luggage, but the boy helped the grandmother to continue with the secret. But months later and much negotiation the other grandsons had also obtained to see the mysterious content of old maleta. When all had known what it had in the luggage if it gave beginning to the allotment that never happened. Owner Corina protected the modest goods of its friends, exactly not knowing its paradeiro. Today already the guard of the luggage counts itself to half century and all still respect the sovereignty of the friendship and the respect that it taught to all the family.

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