Hospital Feedback

INTRODUCTION the health company has as peculiarity to deal with procedures technician carried through by professionals who are distant of the management of costs, at the same time where those that are responsible for the collection have little knowledge technician. This fact, many times rees-echo in the sprouting of comments. In this scene, the hospital invoicing is wronged for not the information or the inadequate register of the actions of health which the users had been submitted. These errors can be found in public or private institutions. In the public entities these less are perceived, a time that the payment by means of the Only System of Health obeys a waked up financial ceiling by means of a contratualizao enters the City departments of Health and the rendering agencies of service.

In the case of the particular units this situation, has greaters consequences since the comment can occur. The word comment can be defined as cancellation or refuses partial or total of the payment referring to a service or procedure carried through for a service lender. Generally, the comment is justification of the accords not to carry through the payment of one definitive material procedure or a medicine. Although indesejada for the managers of the hospital institutions, the comment has its origin in the proper unit of health that generated the cost, a time that this occurs when: it has indication of errors in the fulfilling of guides or forms or lack to stories on the procedures carried through in the patients and registers of lapsing involving some components of the clinical team (the doctor when this does not register its lapsing; the nursing team when the schedules of medications are not checked or do not take care of to the peculiarities demanded for the accords). Probably, this fact elapses of the condition of that the collection of the carried through procedures happens on account of the analysis of the handbook of the user, a time that, many comments are generated from this document, therefore, during the assistance, the register of the procedures is considered an activity relegated to as a plain one.

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