Monthly Archives: December, 2017
The nurse in the unit of recovery generally gets a verbal story of the team of the surgery room and reads the written documentation of the operation and the operatria lapsings after of the doctor to plan the care effectively, the following information are necessary: type and extension of the surgical procedure carried through, used […]
Fundamental Reform
90prozent the health system in Germany is based on changing unmet, future generations need to be redeemed. Dusseldorf, 6 Feb. 2012. Demographics and facts force the urgent need for action in the health system. The citizens insurance is only temporary solution for the continuation of an approach wrong in principle. The statutory health insurances are […]
Influenza Grippe
The Influenza Grippe (H1N1) In 24 of April of 2009, had first an alert one of the OMS (World-wide Organization of the Health) on the sprouting of a new illness, Gripe Influenza A (H1N1), also called Suna Grippe. In Brazil, until day 15 of July of that year, the Health department registered few cases and […]
Independent Friendship
Ccero was born next to Rome, in 106 B.C. Politician, jurist, orator, philosopher with a vast and important workmanship. It exerted influence in the culture occidental person. Through the narrative of dialogues of its pairs it passes the following slight knowledge on friendship:The first bedding of the friendship is the reciprocal affection; In the friendship […]
Objective: To analyze studies on the causes of the unexpected ones in nursing in surgical center. Methodology This work concerns a bibliographical research. This type of research will bring subsidies for the knowledge on what it was searched, as and under that approach and/or perspectives were treated the subject presented in scientific literature. In this […]