Tag Archives: trade fairs & events

German Charity

The final of the nationwide tournament series HOTELCAREER CUP at the Dusseldorf multi sports facility function Cosmo sports took place on yesterday’s Sunday. Dusseldorf, June 17, 2013 – the 18 best hotel teams of 9 City tournaments in the grand final against each other were to determine this year’s winner. After passionate games, accompanied by […]

Seminar Mass Training

Professional trade fair communication and tracking in this course is to ensure the expertise of the conversation as well as to coordinate the distribution of roles among the participating employees. At the same time, the trade fair objectives on the part of the Executive Board must be clearly defined and communicated to the participating employees. […]

Occupational Safety

BWE Symposium offshore wind energy service & maintenance in Hamburg after the approval and deployment phases numerous offshore projects are wind energy before the decisive step in the operating phase. First experience in the area of offshore service, maintenance and repairs were made with alpha ventus, Bard I and Baltic 1. There are now 28 […]