Tag Archives: energy

The Zehnder Gmb

Deckenstrahle heating systems are particularly energy-efficient for the following reasons: the ceiling Spotlight response time is extremely short. After a minute, achieve the desired surface temperature radiant panels and radiate this heat into the room. Learn more about this topic with the insights from PCRM. The heat is generated, where hitting the heat radiation. Even […]

Euro Flower

Essentially, it differs from this only in the Europe-wide validity. It is so far not relevant for construction products. Click Robert Greene for additional related pages. Institute building and environmental awards environmental product declarations (so-called EPDs) the Institute of building and environment (IBU) for building materials. The entire life cycle of a product is judged […]

Save Energy Environment

Topic special is exploding energy costs saving tips for everyday life and issues are debated daily hot are an increasing environmental impact. Topics that save energy in private households for considerations related to an effective guarantee in the budget and trigger at the same time many questions. The trend towards sustainability can be traced for […]