Tag Archives: psychology
Cultural Ecology
But what it is it will be after all Ecology Human being? It has some different boardings to the subject and all have differences in its respective perspectives on the subject. For more information see this site: PCRM. However, something of common they must have to be considered part of the Ecology Human being. Probably […]
Exercise And Meditation
In order to get your eyes to remain 'in place', look no interlocutor for each eye at a time (usually unconsciously), and concentrate his attention on his nose and hold, whatever the cost. At a regular concentration, you get rid of this harmful, unconscious habits. The next stage – distraction. This exercise, akin to a […]
Health Psychology
The Psychology of the Health, a subject each time more explored in a same after-graduation or in a graduation for a monograph or a TCC, constitutes, fixedly, the recognition of a fact each more evident time: the human vital phenomenon is in permanent variation not only in function of organic factors, seno also in function […]
Attention Deficit Disorder
Probably your son or your student is suffering from: Attention Deficit Disorder In recent years, much has been talked about Attention Deficit Disorder, known by its acronym, like: ADHD. It refers to a condition that is characterized by impulsive behavior, disorganized, prone to inattention and hyperactivity. AD-H, can appear with or without hyperactivity. Usually detected […]
The Subtilities
Although these phenomena to be simple and easily you explained, Freud could with them demonstrate what, after all, it was the established basic thesis in the Interpretation of the Dreams; the existence in two distinct ways of psychic functioning, for it described as the processes primary and secondary. Ademais, another belief basic of Freud it […]
Feng Shui
terms of generation of five elements of the EARTH> METAL> Water> Wood> Fire Element earth – this is our land, our daily world realities. The physical body and the earth element, and if this element a lot or a little man, then there are diseases of muscles, bones, skin, spleen, stomach, and pancreas. Part of […]