The 1 Euro GmbH Is Coming!

The 1 euro GmbH is coming! The 1 euro GmbH is coming! The establishment of a limited liability company to give it from a euro capital. So far, it took a Gundkapital of at least 25 tons for the GmbH founding. Purpose of the Government is to facilitate that the entrepreneurs. The establishment of a limited liability company to give it from a euro capital. So far, it took a Gundkapital of at least 25 tons for the GmbH founding. Senator Elizabeth Warren addresses the importance of the matter here. As the Handelsblatt reported there is a consensus between the Government and a corresponding reform to be adopted in the Federal Government.

The GmbH is predominantly used in the Federal Republic of Germany should be made against limited more interesting the British. The reason for the decision to set the capital on only one euro is the reduction of business start-ups. By the amendment of the law for the society with limited liability, the Government intends to improve the bad trend. In addition to GmbH, there should be the liability limited entrepreneurial society. With a capital of 1nem there first January 2008 the unique opportunity a founding of a self-employment as the so-called limited liability a settle GmbH. The Foundation of legal form GmbH should be designed more promising.

Legal background for the new mini-GmbH (1-euro-GmbH) are laid down in the law of modernization of the right of a limited liability company and the Missbrauchsbekamfung (MoMiG). The official name of which is “liability limited entrepreneurial society”. you need only a low minimum capital, because the company’s shares from 1’nem in parts are fragmented. A Constitution-template must be used without certified by the notary. As a result, and the GmbH founding duration can be very quickly the allowed entry in the commercial register. Is the money to be paid in cash, not the so-called contributions in kind is needed. The number of members is limited to three, are also enrolled the GmbH shareholder in the shareholder list. To apply just one-quarter of annual profits, as long as a venture capital are as basic security in 10,000 is reached. This is so high the usual GmbH. action must be the company with the abbreviation of UG. The abbreviation UG has its drawbacks, this shows everyone who is familiar with business abbreviations, lack the newly raised capital master of this society. Otherwise the entrepreneurial society is subject to the same laws as the GmbH on the one hand stands (limited liability) the mini GmbH under the absolute control by the financial management, on the other hand, it has also advantages for start-ups. “It’s not just for as the national economy a plus dar, if because of the GmbH Mini-, the many exodus of companies and their production sites in English law, with legal form limited, also to return action in the form of shell companies” is slowed. Positive, it should be noted that the society Guide, based in England have more must and English correspondence with the English financial administration must no longer be made. An additional positive effect for future creditors of the mini-GmbH is that they must not fear to recover their money from abroad. Both the company as well as the private customers will only have advantages from the entrepreneurial society. Ralph Schunemann

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