Tag Archives: Politics
Town Advisory Board
Continuation of the discussion about local councils it is interesting, that many politicians the JuLis equate but also journalists with the FDP. The young liberals are the organizational and programmatic independent youth organization of the free democratic party of Germany. A member of the young liberals means long time no membership in the FDP. It […]
The Rooms
Is there a balcony? What is the Outlook? Are personal belongings (furniture, pictures, carpets, etc.) allowed? Are pets allowed? What safety standard has the rooms (smoke detectors, Bell, door spy, security locks)? There is cable TV, Internet, emergency switches in the room? Is the Privatphare maintained by the employees? Care should offer a nursing concept […]
Plan Of Union For The Regularisation Of Undeclared Work In Care
Appropriate models are on the market already existent “many people know to help otherwise in their emergency and dealing with health care workers from Eastern Europe, often illegally and without having to pay social security contributions. Here we must pave back the way the legality”, health policy spokesman of the CDU/CSU – Bundestag Jens Spahn […]