Of this form, many have been the studies involving this thematic one in other localities. Therefore, to illuminate the analysis of the studied object, the basement searched theoretician-metodolgico through other authors who had previously approached concepts basic involving same the thematic one. The categories of analysis of the space as landscape, place and territory are essential concepts in this quarrel and, to relate them with the ambient crisis, in view of the effect of the globalization, is still an inevitable procedure. As Guedes, when a premise of the common knowledge is had, obtains for deduction or logical unfolding, to attribute to particular the same properties found in the premise, characterizing the call deductive method. From a general boarding on the thematic one, the local one starts to be an analysis object.
For the agreement of the empirical object, they had been collected given that made possible the knowledge, not only of the studied physical space, as well as of the vision of the public agencies and the proper one population. In this direction, photographs, interviews with the population, visits had been used in lease, survey and analyses of data next to the City department of Workmanships, Health, Social Assistance and Education. Having the Quarter Green Weeds, area of the research, a population with approximately two a thousand inhabitants, the interviews had followed for sampling. The questionnaires, allowed to inform the amount of people in each domicile, the degree of escolaridade of the same ones, the familiar income, the access to the health services, the degree of satisfaction with the public cleanness, the consumption of energy, the water supply and the access to the programs of the Federal Government as Hunger Zero, Stock market School, Valley Gas, amongst others. Had been 20 questionnaires applied in visited domiciles. The domiciles had been chosen by block. Before the interviews a general visit in the quarter was become fullfilled, to verify the amount of blocks. David Cordani might disagree with that approach.