Mediastinum (suspended) is divided into front and rear, as well as the upper, middle and bottom, the anterior mediastinum contains the thymus, heart, trachea, and ascending portion of the aortic arch, superior vena cava, pulmonary arteries and nerves, veins, and diaphragmatic nerves. Rear – esophagus, thoracic lymphatic duct, lower part of the vagus nerve, and unpaired poluneparnaya vein, the descending aorta. Pathways of pus in the anterior mediastinum: posterior peripharyngeal space, walking along the neurovascular neck; phlegmon at the bottom of the mouth or the tongue, resulting in necrosis of muscle and tissue, pus overcomes the natural barrier in of the hyoid bone and into the space between the parietal kletchatochnoe and visceral sheets of endocervical fascia along the neck and trachea. A pozadipischevodnoe and prespinal kletchatochnoe space symptoms, the cause of which is the compression of the organs, blood vessels and nerves, mediastinum, and the symptoms detected by physical examination the patient, and radiological findings. For the front during deep breathing (a symptom Ridingera); rigidity long back muscles (paraevertebralny symptom Ravich-Scherbo-Steinberg); pastoznost skin in the thoracic vertebrae; extension intercostal veins appearance effusion pleura and pericardium (a symptom of compression of the median and poluneparnoy veins). Thrombophlebitis Thrombophlebitis facial veins – is an acute inflammation of the veins in her blood clots that develop in chronic inflammatory diseases maxillofacial region. The defeat of the vascular wall may occur in two ways: with a decrease in the reactivity of the body, slowing blood flow, venous wall injury, changes in the blood and increase its coagulation (endoflebit); during the transition from inflammation of surrounding tissue on the outer wall of the vein (periflebit).
In the pathogenesis of thrombosis has a value of microbial sensitization autoallergiya and inflammatory and traumatic injury of endothelium of veins, especially in the sensitized organism. facial vein thrombosis is preceded by acute purulent inflammatory processes of the maxillofacial area. The patient The expressed intoxication, malaise, chills, body temperature rises to 39-40 . Growing swelling of the face. In the course of the angular or facial vein appear painful infiltrates in the form of strands. Skin over them hyperemic have cyanotic hue, are strained. Edema extends beyond the infiltration and causes swelling of the conjunctiva century, its congestion. cavernous sinus thrombosis: characterized by two main features: disorder of blood circulation in the eye and shedding functions of cranial nerves (oculomotor, ginglymoidal, outlet, trigeminal), combined with septikopiemicheskim state).