The Economic Value of the Tropical Forests

Mode-Indian peasant life have a vision and ancient wisdom to care for your natural and spiritual. But capitalism has imposed, economic and political, technological models to “preserve” and exploit indigenous territories by promoting plantation management plans, identification and trade in land, property records of water sources, biopiracy, genetically modified seeds and eco-tourism. All these ways to rearrange the area are homogenizing, isolate and fragment the peoples’ relationship with their environment and the ecological base that supports it (Jose Godoy, 2005)

In the late ’60s, the Club of Rome, created by a group of entrepreneurs and executives of transnational corporations (Xerox, IBM, Fiat, Remington Rand, Olivetti, etc.), opened the debate on demands for nonrenewable resources. Appearing MEADOWS Report, called: “The Limits to Growth” document which marked a time for the depletion of natural resources. The Meadows Report Limits growth is the lag of environmental concern in terms of culture and politics, and its assimilation by the technical-scientific logic, it was being criticized. The model of human action or forged instrumental rationality in Western Europe from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries the world expands endangering the planet, the state monopoly capitalism, liberal cutting and privatization, and state capitalism monopoly, with the advent of environmentalism, in the ’60s, promoted awareness of the overall risk to the environmental challenge, risk to the entire planet and all humanity in the exact measure, particularly of a commercial nature which has in itself inequality by being soaked in the coloniality of power. 20% of the world’s richest people consume about 80% of the raw material and energy produced annually (model-limit). .

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