As exclusion criteria articles without summary, articles in another language that are not the cited ones above. Delimitation of the time for Bibliographical Survey did not have, therefore, the delimitation of the time was determined in function of the comment in the literature of a publication number that contains thematic the proposal, as well as of necessity of survey of studies concerning the subject. 1 HISTORICAL AND THEORETICAL RECITAL the birth is historically a natural event. As it is unquestionably a mobilizador phenomenon, exactly the first civilizations had added, to this event, innumerable cultural meanings that through generations had suffered transformations, and still commemorate the birth as one of the marcantes facts of the life. (BRAZIL, 2001, p.17).
Old, the men lived as its ' ' instincts naturais' '. The principle, the woman if isolated to give birth, generally without no assistance or care come of other people, only followed its instinct. The childbirth was considered a natural and physiological phenomenon (SAINTS, 2002). In accordance with Saints (2002), the historicidade of the assistance to the childbirth has beginning from the moment where the proper women if assist and initiate an accumulation process to know on the parturio. Of this form, is started to add it values to the knowledge concerning the process of birth between proper women, and the childbirth passes if to become a more important event in the life of the women who participate of the same. Then a woman who the community considered as more experienced was recognized as obstetrician – this obstetrician if translates the figure of the woman who takes care of childbirths domiciliary, but that she does not have none to know scientific. Its knowledge are based in the practical one and the accumulation to know, last traditionally last of generation for generation. 1.1 The childbirth at its different times Illustration of the workmanship of Rsslin, representing a childbirth of 1513 In the Average Age, the childbirth turned around beliefs and little friendly doctrines for the gestante, and from centuries XVII and XVIII, it only was that the men had started to enter in the room to give birth; the surgery was incorporated the medicine and the childbirth passed to be studied as physical mechanism.