Is private health insurance always beneficial? Is the private health insurance compared to what the statutory health insurance health insurance important? Health insurance is important because it assumes the costs for necessary treatments in the event of illness. The cost of the treatment of the disease could otherwise ruin existences in extreme cases. For this reason, the statutory health insurance as compulsory insurance already was created many years ago for workers (section 5SGB V.) So, the contributions of workers and employers to the statutory health insurance ensures that everyone in the event of sickness is adequately supplied. For all current criticism of the system of medical insurance in Germany, this is an important achievement, which guarantees a minimum pension for all. What types of health insurance are there? The statutory and private health insurance are treated here. Special cases such as in the officialdom (aid…) are not allowed. The statutory health insurance (GKV) The statutory health insurance is 5 in the social security code (SGB V) regulated.
Basically, the workers has no choice whether it is statutory or private sick would like to assure. All workers, which annual postage cost does not exceed the annual work charge limit (49.950 in 2010), are compulsorily gem. 5 SGB V in the statutory health insurance. The exceptions are regulated in 6 SGB V. Cost of public funding of the statutory health insurance is regulated in 3 SGB V.
Therefore, the statutory health insurance is financed jointly and severally. The amount of the contribution of workers depends on the insurance fee of the individual. To reach the contribution assessment ceiling (45,000 / year, 3.750 per month in 2010) the contribution is calculated as a percentage of the gross earnings. If the income exceeds the contribution assessment ceiling (BBG), the contribution is calculated only up to the BBG. No separate fee is charged for additional insured family members.