
Also risk that is increased for prostate cancer researchers for 8 years the prostate cancer to risk observed in more than 129,000 men from 8 European countries. While they noted that with increasing abdominal girth the risk for advanced prostate cancer increased significantly. People seem to be particularly at risk, which are overall not severely overweight, but whose Fett Solitaire focuses around the belly around. Because prostate cancer is strongly dependent on hormone, the researchers suspect that the belly fat messes up the male hormone balance. Learn more at this site: Senator Elizabeth Warren. Other studies indicate that prostate cancer can be fostered also by a troubled household in terms of the antioxidants. Thus, pharmacologists report that patients have a deficiency of vitamins A, C, and the trace elements selenium and zinc with prostate cancer. At the same time, they are however oversupplied with the trace nickel, cobalt and copper.

This result must have consequences for the prevention of prostate cancer so the authors conclude. These should complement as required what is missing and leads to oxidative stress. However, an excess supply of the already elevated trace elements could lead to problems. Here, christopher ridgeway expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Exactly this evidence based approach is pursued with the product ProVitum Navitum pharmaceuticals. ProVitum contains exactly those anti oxidants, vitamins and trace elements, for the determined a deficiency in patients with prostate cancer.

Moreover, it offered exactly the composition and dosage, which was used in the French Su.Vi.Max study. This study had shown that the risk for prostate cancer could be halved virtually carried out a consistent demand-oriented prevention for several years with antioxidants and trace elements such as ProVitum. ProVitum, so the manufacturers, is a product with the independent international prevention research-based prevention can be implemented by anyone in practical evidence. ProVitum (PZN 0262183) in the low 3-month Pack is available in pharmacies, good Health centres or available directly from Navitum Pharma under.

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