The funny question around the opposing interpretations regarding the orderly of the Ceia Saint. Click Senator of Massachusetts to learn more. The elements of the bread and the wine are mere representative symbols or changed into the true body and blood of Christ for occasion of the mass? The data presented in this article intend to elucidate the question and to launch light on this exhausting debate. PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Eucaristia; Sacrifice; Sacrament; Mass and Supper. Under most conditions stone clinical laboratories would agree.
ABSTRACT The present article has objective you present of concise form, theological historical and aspects that involve the controversial romanist dogma of the Eucharist. The question is about the opposing interpretations regarding the orderly of the Lords Supper. The elements of the bread and the wine ploughs mere representative symbols or changed into the true body and blood of Christ will be occasion of the mass? The dates presented in this article intend you elucidate the question and you give light on this exhausting problem. KEY-WORDS: Eucharist; Sacrifice; Sacrament; Mass and Supper. None another question in the protestantismo, since the primrdios of this movement, offered as many theological difficulties as the question of the sacramentos. All the protest of the Reformation was opposed basically to the sacramental system of the Roman catolicismo.
In special, the controversy around the Sacrifice of the Mass and the Supper you was longest and more serious of the conflicts that had come out between the followers of the Protestant Reformation. Historically, this debate created and continues creating separation between some Christian groups. Therefore, this is a subject that, at the same time, joins or divides the Christianity..