The stadiums In 1933, the Britnia received from Coritiba FC the Gracious Park, in the Juvev quarter, where it ordered its games up to 1940. The stadium was known as ' ' Armado' cement; ' , not for the arquibancadas ones, remodelled in 1927, but for the hardness of its lawn. From 1941, it passed to be used by the Italy Lecture, to training, later had come the games of the Suburban one, until being divided land into parcels. Curious as proper stadiums inaugurated by the Britnia, both with the same name, Paula Soares, had had short career. Before speaking on them, we need to speak on who was Paula Soares. The stadiums with woman name are not many.
Soon, I remember at least the following ones: Stadium Maria Abbey, ' ' Abadio' ' , in Ceilndia (DF); Stadium Maria Tereza Breda, in Olmpia (SP); Stadium Nunes Wave, in Barbacena (MG), currently disactivated. In the amateur soccer of Curitiba and Region Metropolitan it has still the Leopoldina Stadium Days of Would make, in Admiral Tamandar, and the Stadium Antonieta Maria, in Pinhais. It is not the case, however, of the stadium of the Britnia. Paula Soares was not a woman, but the Colonel Francisco de Paula Soares Netto, a doctor of the Brazilian Army that was president of the Federacy Paranaense de Futebol (FPF) and of the Britnia in the decades of 30 and 40. In the decade of 40, Paula Soares made contacts and congregated for the purchase of a land in the street Carlos Dietzsch deep, quarter Gate, in known region as ' ' Fazendinha' ' , next to the church, for construction of its first proper stadium. In repayment to the efforts of great the meritorious one, its name was chosen by unamimity: Stadium Paula Soares. The inauguration was in 15.08.1943, with a great party that finished with a defeat of 4×1 for the Ava, of Florianpolis.