Vascular Illness

In agreement INTRODUCTION Lewis, et al., 2002, the Vascular Illness Enceflica (DVE) is defined as great a chronic pathology that cause complications in terms of physical arrogance for the individuals, in which the World-wide Organization of the Health defined the enceflica vascular illness is used to assign to a neurological deficit (transitory or definitive) in a secondary cerebral area the vascular injury, lasting 24 hours more than or taking to the death without none another apparent cause that the vascular origin. The Vascular Illness Enceflica is the third cause of death in the world, after the cardiopathies in general and of the cancer. About 40 50% of the individuals that suffer a DVE goes the death after six months and the majority of the survivors will show neurological deficiencies and significant residual incapacities, according to World-wide Organization of Health. The clinical manifestation attack in individuals victim of a enceflica vascular illness is diverse, and generally, they remain for long periods, being able to reach the three levels, considered for the OMS in the model of International Classification of Funcionalidade (CIF): of structure and the function of the body, of activity and of participation. This makes of the DVE the biggest cause of incapacity in developed countries and development. However, the incidence of the DVE increases with the age and has its peak between seventh and the eighth decade of life when they are added with the cardiovascular and metabolic alterations related to the age and the tax of annual incidence is of 3,5 for 1000 individuals between 55 and 64 years, and of 9 for 1000 individuals between 65 and 74 years. According to Wade and Hewer, et al., 1987, standes out that the trunk control is basic a motor ability and a crucial component for execution of many activities. For this reason great part of the patients who suffer DVE presents limitations that make it difficult the reaquisio of the march, the attainment of independence in the diverse Activities of the Daily Life, where in these patients trunk is not reached of primary form and yes a decurrent secondary consequence of the primary manifestations.

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