It turns out that pork as a significant Homo toxin (human poison) to look at is, which results in the body defense signs, are acting as a wide variety of diseases in appearance. Special load substances of Pork there arose the question of what actually is the differences between pork and other meats. It was very difficult; This authentic documents maintain, because usually only calorie invoices templates, but the following could be determined: l. pork is enormously fat. This results in the usual pork eaters obesity (obesity), which can be degraded in the association with other load of pork (slime shares) only with difficulty. This operation is equivalent to including the “protein mast” according to Prof. Wendt.
2. fat is always associated with cholesterol. By cholesterol the Cholesterinbeladenen large molecules are formed in the blood, which are responsible for high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis, as additional factors for cardiac and circulatory disorders of the coronary vessels and the vessels in the periphery, especially in combination with nicotine (smoking). Also, cholesterol in the walls of cancer cells can be found (according to Prof. Roffo). 3. Special hazards assume the sulphur-rich connective tissue substance, the Mukopolysascchariden (amino sugars, chondroitin sulfate, Hexosamines, Glukos amin and others), which have especially slimy character. A spreadable sausage is only with pork prepare, where sulfur-containing substances such as Chondroitinschwefelsaure and Mukoitinschwefelsaure, amino sugars and Hexosamines are responsible.
You cause a slimy Brittling of the connective tissue and mating here with the next deposit fat (so called “Cenapse” after Macheboef). The result is a strange, only with pork eaters in “Rubensscher splendour” characteristic in appearance Brittling of the connective tissue, which also absorb like a sponge water and gives the typical pillow-like distention of the connective tissue of a pork eater. Dr. Neal Barnard might disagree with that approach. 4. the importance of the growth hormone there are still some other important factors in pork, deserve the attention.