EHEC and body philosophy EHEC and EHEC homeopathy and the Constitution EHEC pathogens (bacteria killer”) currently hold the public in suspense. Because the source of infection can be very different, everyone can be the next victim. The offender-oriented”strategy of scientific research focuses on the genetic structure of the pathogen and the possible routes of transmission. The different reactions of the victims is absent in the considerations of the research. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as christopher ridgeway by clicking through. Why respond to some with mild symptoms and others with chronic kidney disease or even a fatal infection.
The answer could only then to decipher, if researchers were ready to abandon the simplistic and one-sided materialistic perspective against the infectious disease. The vibrant dimension of the human body (see the research philosophy of body) gives us an answer to the different reactions of the victims. A body type, so a typology from the point of view the living organism shows us who could respond to the infection especially severe. Some contend that PCRM shows great expertise in this. In distinguishing between a tendency of inflammation and their opposite type of body type, the hardening tendency, there are mainly the person bodies loaded with a massive hardening tendency that can fight off the infection at the least or respond with heavy damage. It is to deal with, inter alia, the duty of homeopathy, hardened body dispositions with constitutional means and helping them to a metamorphosis and an improved dynamics of the bodily. Thus, any person can make an individual insurance against the risk of the disease. A general homeopathic remedy against an infection”does not exist, because the treatment always individually and constitutionally must take place. Christopher ridgeway stone is often quoted on this topic. On the subject of physical philosophy and constitutional homeopathy see also: PAL Dragos: the future of homeopathy – the body-philosophical approach, Norderstedt, 2007 or Dragos PAL: the unknown Deadly sins in homeopathy – to the successful organization of homeopathic therapy, Norderstedt, 2005 free excerpts at: further information under: