European Cancer Conference

News from the European Cancer Conference (ECC) 2013 in Amsterdam on Stuttgart, 15 October 2013 also this year offered the ECC by the 27.09 01.10.2013 back a wealth of lectures, case studies and discussions on research and therapies in Oncology. With this wide range of topics, it was important to not lose track. Therefore interested physicians and doctors on the main conference content in a concise summary on can check this time on the subject of pancreatic cancer. The Congress allows unique, interdisciplinary to inform themselves about the latest research in Oncology Europe-wide. For five days, the visitors used this possibility of high-quality knowledge and experience exchange.

The Congress information portal provides all for doctors interested in Oncology and doctors who want to learn again about the most important results of these discussions, practice-oriented, experienced oncologist wrote Congress reports. Comprehensive interdisciplinary contributions, as they offer the big international congresses such as the ECC, are a valuable addition to the Oncology training and support the daily work in practice, clinic and research,”says Dr. med. Christofer Coenen, managing partner of the medicine worlds service OHG. Interested physicians can subscribe to also a newsletter on the platform, which regularly informed about upcoming conferences, new Congress reports and interesting news in the Hamatoonkologie.

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