
Rest between sets Muscular tension and time under load, are critical to muscular ipertrofii. Training programs manipulate heavy weights, number of repetitions, sets and rest intervals between them. Very few studies have drawn their attention to optimizing the structure of programs. Scientists from New Zealand reported that the athletes were able to perform more reps in bench press at shorter intervals, and frequent rest between sets. The subjects trained with operating weights that enabled them to do about six reps. At different days, they performed one of three training sessions: four sets of six repetitions with five minutes rest between sets (exercise 1), eight sets of three reps with 130 seconds rest (exercise 2) or eight sets, alternating – a set of three reps to failure, and one with 130 seconds rest between sets (exercise 3). Athletes were able to perform 25% more reps, and reached a higher level of lactate as a result of exercise 3. Increasing the frequency intervals allowed the participants to rest to do more reps and caused more active metabolic reactions – both factors contribute to the hypertrophy.

Training with weights prevent arthritis lack of physical activity can lead to osteoarthritis – a painful destruction of bone and cartilage in joints. Arthritis usually develops with age and leads to pain in the joints and loss of mobility. Gradually, the cartilaginous covering of the heads of bones broken, which reduces the quality of life. Several pharmacological agents, such as aspirin, ibuprofen or naproxen can relieve symptoms but do not solve the problem.

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