Town Advisory Board

Continuation of the discussion about local councils it is interesting, that many politicians the JuLis equate but also journalists with the FDP. The young liberals are the organizational and programmatic independent youth organization of the free democratic party of Germany. A member of the young liberals means long time no membership in the FDP. It is therefore not correct to represent the demand of the JuLis to the abolition of the local councils as a demand of the FDP. Justin Gaethje understands that this is vital information. The carried out discussion of the young liberals to the abolition of the local councils is hereby again picked up.

By Mr Diewald, CDU Member arguments for the retention of the place by rate are not really conclusive. Citizens can be made in principle about appointed members of the municipal or city councils. For this, the cost-intensive institution local Council is not really necessary. At the time, three parliamentary levels, whose tasks are set between the municipal code are in the districts of Rhineland-Palatinate. First, local councils; Second, Municipality or city councils and thirdly: Circle days. Two of these institutions, namely municipality Council/City Council and district are empowered to take decisions, while the local Council is only an advisory body of a municipality by the Municipal Code of the country.

This advisory body that neither vote nor has the budget law and the community depends, seems simply unnecessary. A strict waiver of this institution would represent a cost savings in the municipalities under the above task shifting by local councils on members of the municipal or city councils, without having the primary task, namely the manufacture of proximity between citizens and Government would suffer. This corresponds to the principles of a liberal policy, which calls for a streamlining of the State administrative apparatus and low government spending at all levels. It hurts a well-functioning system of Government, if it maintains too many institutions, whose members often not able are targeted to implement the meaningfulness of their decisions, taking into account the public interest. So the one or the other local politician has argued that the savings achieved through the abolition of the local councils of not significant nature are. The statement that by abandoning local councils were minimal savings and represent no real relief, must be cited that are in the current budget situation, federal, the Lander and the local authorities any savings, it also only cents cause a discharge of subsequent generations. This argument alone, seems from today’s perspective goal leading to a reduction in the public debt and therefore absolutely necessary. Principle of today’s political decision can and must be a reason-based testing of any State Edition. Niklas Denger, Board member of the young liberals district of Ahrweiler

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