Thumb Rizartrosis

The complex joint of the thumb, consists of four joints: trapecioescafoidea, trapeziometacarpal, metacarpofalangea and interfalangea, which provide a basis for the thumb, defines our ancestral anatomical evolution from the APE through the provision of an effective member. Ironically, the trapeziometacarpal joint is responsible for the most common illness that leads from reconstruction of the upper extremity for rheumatic diseases. Paradoxically the relationship between these two facts has stimulated research to define the scientific bases for common surgical procedures and the development of new treatments for the base of the thumb. The rizartrosis is a degenerative disorder of the trapeziometacarpal, characterized by abrasion articulation, progressive deterioration of surfaces articular and bone neoformation in them. The importance of this pathology lies in the functional deficit which causes and its high frequency.

Thumb assumes 50% of hand function, and the joint trapeciomatacarpiana is the most important of his complex osteoarticular. This articulation gives the first finger, by your settings in saddle and the disposition of its ligaments and your motor unit, its orientation in space and the greater part of its longitudinal rotation; It is the only one capable of movements in two mutually perpendicular axes. This provision of the trapeciomatacarpiana joint is that it allows the formation of pliers between thumb and fingers long and the realization of a powerful grip; the functional significance of this joint explains the fact that any pathological process that alters it can be cause of socio-occupational disability. Visit: original author and source of the article

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