The Deutsche Kinderhilfswerk

Identical content, that are subject to in the traditional media of age-restricted by time limits, to escape the national legislation simply by the provider in the neighbouring European countries to move. Therefore, it is pragmatically the current state of technology and the relations of production to adapt youth protection. Technical parental filters can help parents to protect their children. However, the corresponding obligations must be created for commercial providers to make available the necessary information and technical requirements for such filters parents. International initiatives are also important to enforce appropriate standards at least at European level.

From the perspective of the Deutsches kinderhilfswerk is also introducing an intuitively understandable Labelling of Internet sites useful. They should are depleted not just in an age recommendation, but provide also information about reasons for this recommendation (Gewalthaltigkeit, sexual representations, inhuman language, etc.). It should be parents and young Internet users possible, immediately to detect whether a content appropriate is her age from the perspective of the protection of minors. So, we can develop of a judgement which contents correspond to their individual needs and skills children and young people. Recommendations should carry through page provider itself and can be read by users-autonomous youth protection programs.

Guardian would allow the choice, whether they make available certain content on the Internet of children, or not”, explains Hans-Joachim von Gottberg, Vice President of the Deutsches kinderhilfswerk. The Deutsche Kinderhilfswerk assumes that in the medium term media education and information for parents are becoming as proactive forms of youth media protection increasingly important. To optimally to promote carrying offerings and coordinate the Foundation a registered jointly by federal and State media literacy advocates. The Landesmedienanstalten, free media and the media industry should be involved in the funding of this Foundation. The task of the Foundation should consist in financial support of medienpadagogischer projects and networking existing ideas and experiences. At the same time, the evaluation and the accompanying research projects for the promotion of media literacy could be coordinated through such a foundation”finally as of Gottberg.

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