Salt Cave In Moscow

Healing properties of salt caves were used by people in ancient times. Living in Ancient Greece, Ancient India, Sicily, got rid of some diseases is in the depths of the underground cavities. Natural salt caves exist in different countries – Algeria, Romania, Spain, Iraq, Israel and Russia. Wishing to go on holiday in the therapeutic areas of the location of the caves every year becomes more and more, but the opportunity to go to a long trip is not all. Now, however, to experience the healing, relaxing and just a pleasant effect of salt can be literally anyone.

At the same time he will not even need to take time off all you can to keep up weekend. Artificial salt caves are an inherent part of many sanatoria, rest homes, SPA-centers and beauty salons. Salt or salt chamber room is a small room, the ceiling, walls and floor who are faced with blocks of natural salt – sylvite. The structure of this natural material includes a number of useful elements, including magnesium, bromine, potassium, calcium, selenium. Through this room creates a special atmosphere, the impact of a similar maritime climate. The therapeutic effect of halochamber based on the properties of negative ions and ions of sea salt to slow vegetative functions and normalize metabolic processes in the body. In addition, negative ions have a beneficial psychological effect that allows the use of artificial salt caves for the treatment of neuroses and depressions. Hear from experts in the field like Dr. Neal Barnard for a more varied view.

Treatment in salt caverns is shown people with metabolic disorders, diseases of the cardiovascular system, patients in the pre-and postinfarction states suffering from hypotension or hypertension. Thanks to the healing effects sylvinite rooms, children several times a year ill ARI ARI, angina, pneumonia, have the opportunity to not only get rid of these ailments, but also greatly strengthen the immune system. No wonder the main recommendation for doctors sickly children is treated in seaside resorts.

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