Analysis of arterial stiffness indices arterial stiffness can reveal not only the defeat of vessels, but also reflect the "additional" pathophysiologic processes that underlie the destruction of other target organs. Therefore, analysis of arterial stiffness is of great importance for determining the overall cardiovascular risk. Methods of measuring the stiffness of blood vessels: 1) pulse wave velocity, determined based on the fluctuations carotid and femoral arteries, is considered the "gold standard" assessment of aortic stiffness. Starting in 2007, European Society for the Study of hypertension (ESH), and since 2008, and Russian Medical Society of arterial hypertension (RMOAG) recommend the use of pulse wave velocity as an additional method for studying hypertension in order to identify pre-clinical lesions of blood vessels and organ damage. Increased pulse wave velocity – is an early indicator of increased stiffness of large arteries, which is included in the list of factors affecting prognosis. 2) Performance of the reflected waves in the arterial bed observed hemodynamic effects that lead to the emergence of the so-called 'reflection' pulse waves (mainly from sites of branching and resistance vessels) and their summation with the primary (direct) pulse wave that occurs when ejection of blood from the heart. Summation of direct and reflected waves leads to the formation of the phenomenon of 'augmentation' (growth) in pulse and systolic blood pressure.
The sum of direct and reflected waves on different different vessels, resulting in blood pressure (especially SBP) differs in the different great vessels, and does not coincide with that measured at the shoulder. Several studies have shown that the formation of high index of growth ('Augmentation') is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular complications. Analysis of central aortic pressure from the central aortic pressure characterizes and integrates the changes in different parts of the vascular channel. This is an important hemodynamic parameters depend on a set of indicators, including and elastic properties of arteries, and indicators of the reflected wave.