
The bacilli not fagocitados they are multiplied slowly and they destroy the macrophages all taking the fabric pulmonary. The process will continue per weeks, with logarithmic multiplication of the bacilli. Three weeks of inhalation of the bacilli occur after metstases. When reaching the linfonodos and the sanguineous chain, will affect other agencies. In rich environments in oxygen, as superior areas of the pulmes, kidneys, extremities of the long bones and brain, the bacilli if multiply until the specific immunity happens. Together with the cellular immunity, the organism develops the call hipersensibilidade of the delayed type (HTR); such hipersensibilidade eliminates macrophages that had not been activated and that they contain bacilli. The HTR makes possible its destruction in the extracellular way.

According to SMELTZER et. Al. (2009), granulomas I contend masses of bacilli livings creature are converted into a fibroso fabric mass that has its central portion called tubercle of Ghon. This mass evolves for necrtica form being able to be calcificada; in this period of training, bacteria are latent and it does not have progress of the active illness. A wrong reply of the imunitrio system it can develop the active illness, as well as a reinfeco; the tubercle of Ghon ulcer leading for the bronchis material infectado. It has, then, an additional dissemination of the illness.

In agreement Imunobiologia TARANTINO et. Al. (2008), the TB is not a hereditary illness, even so already had described in literature rare congenital cases. The natural resistance says respect of the natural election during millenia in contact with the M. tuberculosis. The contact for a long time with the bacillus selected in the way, relatively resistant populations to the tuberculosis in the species human being. The secular action of the bacillus selects more resistant and capable populations each time of if protecting. Soon, those that never had entered in contact with the illness and arrive the places where exist tuberculosos are vitimados by the illness.

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