Pharmaceutical Attention

Pharmaceutical Attention – Practical Theory and: a Possible Dialogue? The Pharmaceutical attention comes being introduced in Brazil with different sources and understanding, many times without lines of direction systemize techniques and all taking in account the philosophical content praised by its idealizers where the pharmaceutical attention is essential responsibility of the druggist and this aims at to guarantee all the medicamentosa therapy of the patient. Today, with a broken up performance, the druggist distanciou itself of the excessively integrant ones of thus the call has equipped of health and the medicine users. Some affirm that the typically commercial environment of the pharmacy hinders that the druggist if integrates and either recognized for the team of professional suppliers of primary attention to the health; others believe that this is a question much more theoretician of what practical. Pharmaceutical attention is the component of the practical druggist who involves the direct care to the patient and passed to be considered as one ‘ ‘ attitude profissional’ ‘ that all druggist must adopt in daily practical its. Generally the druggist is, or would have to be, the last professional of the health to enter in contact with the patient before this uses a medicine. The druggist has to its disposal a method that allows it to standardize its clinical performance and to carry through interventions based on a rational process of taking of decisions.

He observes yourself that the current society deposits an ingenuous and extreme belief in the power of the pharmaceutical products, transforming them into consumption good and moving away them to each time more than its original purpose in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of illnesses. With this the self-medication firmed as practical current e, is exerted in inapropriada way, what it contributes for the aggravation of this picture. One another important factor is the current systems of health covering, as much in the public plan how much in the private one, they are contributing for the deterioration of the relation doctor-patient. He does not have time to create an affective bow, the brief consultations are each time and impersonal, what he reduces or same eliminates the communication regarding potential problems with medicines. The pharmaceutical dispensao is not perceived as an important activity for the population and, generally, the patient customers not even wait the contact with the druggist.

In a generalized manner, the people look the pharmacy with intention to buy a product and not to get a qualified professional service, supplier of specific information on medicines. The concern of the druggist with the patient and the interest for the personal experience of this human being with medicines and the illness can differentiate this professional of excessively and making with that it assumes a more human role in the process of attention to the health. Bibliographical references FREITAS, E.L.; OLIVEIRA, D.R. of; RERINI, E. Pharmaceutical Attention? Practical theory and: a possible dialogue. Bonaerense minutes, S.l., v. 25, N. 3, 2006.

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