Rhinoplasty or nose job Rhinoplasty is a surgery that is very popular with which corrects imperfections or problems of the nose. Not always it turns to it by an aesthetic issue. Sometimes, the intervention is necessary to correct malformations or defects that cause problems in breathing. The procedure is delicate, so you must resort to the appropriate professionals to carry it out successfully. Who can resort to a rhinoplasty? There are no special requirements, any patient who wants to improve their appearance or try some type of defect that causes problems. Do not perform before puberty although in particular cases the doctor may indicate it during childhood, since many times the surgery is essential to improve respiratory capacity. In terms of maximum age, there is a specific limit although it will depend on the patient’s condition and if it’s a purely cosmetic procedure or is fundamental to improve breathing.
What are the techniques employed in this intervention? Rhinoplasty can be of two types: open or closed. The choice of one or other procedure depends fundamentally on the condition to treat. In the open technique is a very small cut at the base, which usually does not see with the naked eye, while in the closed technique incisions are practiced directly within the nasal passages, which allows not to leave no visible scars. Surgery usually does not last more than one hour, when the corrections are simple, while when it is required to correct a defect in the nasal function, the operation can take several hours. What type of anesthesia is applied? When the corrections are simple you can apply local anaesthesia. However, it is not recommended, is preferable to the application of general anaesthesia, since the operation is less traumatic for the patient. Both are safe and the post-op is very similar.
How are the post-op? It is common during the first few weeks, while the area remains inflamed, feel some annoyances such as nasal congestion, but it is not usual to feel pain. If you experience pain or persistent discomfort, this can be relieved with some analgesic. When will the patient return to everyday tasks? At 48 hours of made surgery possible return to the simple activities within the home, those that do not require physical effort. It is recommended to take between 7 and 10 days of rest before returning to work or school. No you can practise sports or activities requiring great physical effort for at least three months. It is very important to take care of the area of exposure to the Sun during the first two months or until it ceases to be bruising. The Sun will accentuate and will definitely record the bruises on the face and these spots will be very difficult to remove later. Receive a cordial greeting, Dr.