The knowledge on hansenase makes possible to understand the illness better and to diminish the preconception in relation to the sick people (EIDT, 2004). 2. OBJETIVOEsse work is a bibliographical revision, of the main aspects disgnostic and to show the importance to it of the precocious treatment of the Hansenase.3. DESENVOLVIMENTO3.1. EtiolgicoMycobacterium agent leprae, is an obligator intracellular bacillus, that affects the cutaneous cells and the peripheral nerves, has high infectividade and low pathogenicity the time multiplication is slow, is of approximately 11 and 16 days (PEAR TREE et al., 2006).
The man is considered as the only reservoir of the bacillus, but descriptions of wild beasts exist (armadillos and monkeys). The period of incubation is long, enters the two five years, necessary time for the development of the first signals and symptoms I infect after it of bacillus (GOULART; PENNA; WEDGE, 2002). Not yet if it got half of culture adjusted for the Mycobacteruim leprae, presents as a straight rod or lightly incurvated, measuring 1 the 8 micra of length for 0.2 0,5 micra of width. Cora in red for the fucsina for the technique of Ziehl-Neelsen and it is not grown pale in the acid alcohol and being called (BAAR) resident alcohol-acid bacillus (GOULART; PENNA; WEDGE, 2002; SAINTS et al., 2005). Figure 1. Fotomicromafia de Mycobacterium leprae (small red rods), the .causing agent of hansenase SOURCE: .
Transmission, Patogenia and Imunidade the transmission happens in the close contact and drawn out with the susceptveis individuals to not treat the Mycobacterium bacillus leprae, through the superior aerial ways as in the breath, I sneeze, cough and says (FOSS; FRADE; GOMES, 2007). According to Arajo (2003), the skin with injuries probably can be door of entrance for infection. Beyond these, other ways can be considered elimination sources the organic secretions, as maternal milk, sperm, sweat and vaginal secretion, but they do not possess importance epidemiologist of the illness.