Modern Anthropology

SUMMARY This work presents a panorama of the life of Sren Aabye Kierkegaard, considered as father of the existencialismo, showing the marcantes events, that in had very influenced in its writings. Its form to see world made possible to man freedom of everything what it is fixed and conceitualizado, since man, while existencial Individual is much more of what a mere concept that if fits in a tendencioso system, with the ousadia of engaiolar all the things. In such a way, solitary personage perceives itself in this illustrious and a thought only a shining position in relation to the necessities politics, social and religious of its time. Thus, on the basis of the kierkegaardiano, present thought in its main writings, over all in ' ' Humano&#039 desperation; ' in ' ' Temor and Tremor' ' , a briefing will be developed in this article study of the conception of man and existence in three stadiums: aesthetic, ethical and religious, beginning of a new anthropology and a valuation and defense of ' ' eu' ' while Individual. Word-key: Existence. Man. Others who may share this opinion include Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City. Aesthetic stadium. Ethical stadium. Religious stadium..

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