Objective: To analyze studies on the causes of the unexpected ones in nursing in surgical center. Methodology This work concerns a bibliographical research. This type of research will bring subsidies for the knowledge on what it was searched, as and under that approach and/or perspectives were treated the subject presented in scientific literature. In this research, ' was worked with the subject; ' Analysis Epidemiologist of the main causes of the Accidents in Nursing in Cirrgico' Center; ' thus they are being presented given scientific already published. As GIL (2009) the bibliographical research of the support the almost all the phases of any type of research, being particularly important when the research problem requires very given dispersed for space 3. Development Main Causes of the Accidents in Surgical Center CANCELLATIONS OF SURGERIES the problematic one of the cancellation of surgeries has received attention on the part from researchers of the health area in the last few decades. Studies on cancellation of elective surgeries, mainly in public and university hospitals, they point taxes that vary of 17,6% 33%.
The repercussion of the surgery cancellation cause alterations in the routine of life of the patient, with consequent removal of the activities developed next to the work, to the home and necessity of mobilization of financial resources, consequently, its cancellation generates frustration for the patient, the family and multiprofessional team 4. LACK OF HUMAN RESOURCES the scarce number of nurses is limitante factor for the implantation of the systematization of assistance of perioperatria nursing (SAEP). The nurse if resents in leaving the alone patient, if he worries about feelings of it, being its almost inexistent presence for the patient in trans? operatrio. It is possible to affirm that the nurses of the surgical center seem to be moved away from the direct care to the patient, prioritizing the provisions of materials and equipment for related unit 5.