Physiological menopause due to hormonal changes in the age and general exchange, but primarily a function of age fading of the gonads. At the age of 50 to 60 years and occurs with less obvious symptoms, than women. The mechanism of aging is not strictly specific, so the symptoms of menopause – the threshold of old age may be on? Observed at different ages and with varying degrees of severity. The main mechanism of extinction of the sexual function in climax, the obvious? but should be considered as changes in the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonad, which arise as a result of lower incretory function of sexual glands. This system is correlatively linked to nervous and humoral functioning regulation of other body systems. So pronounced, or non-coordinated changes in the functional state of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonad can lead to a variety of somatic disorders.
Involutional processes in the menopause affect prezh? De incretory function of the testes. However, the observed normal? Minimum level of testosterone in the blood plasma of men 70-80 years old. They are stored and libido a certain potency, which allows for occasional sex acts. Consequently, at physiological aging is coordinated restructuring of various levels of regulation of sexual activity, leading to uniform curtailment of all links that provide sexual function in a relatively stable physiological level, which largely depends on the individual. In cases where this process is uneven regulatory mechanisms harmony is disturbed, there is a clinical pathologic menopause. Clinical manifestations of pathological climacteric in men may be general or, preferably, apply only to certain systems or body functions, such as the nervous, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, genitourinary.