Vienna back hospital the smokers lungs with intelligent data analysis to tackle, the 01 December 2011 in Vienna, Otto Wagner, launched the largest and longest study on the health status of the Austrians (the Austrian LEAD study). Over a period of 12 years, the health examines regularly by approximately 10,000 citizens. The thereby incurred amounts of data reliably to collect, evaluate and secure those set the study to the professionals of the YouCon GmbH. The IT company has developed from Vienna for the large-scale investigation extra intelligent evaluation software. LEAD is the first prospective clinical study in Austria, aiming to get among other things more knowledge and information about the lung health of the Austrian population. A focus on the study of the natural progression of lung development, and Lungenerkankungen, such as: the dissemination and the progression of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in the Popularly known as smokers lung.
The results of the study to provide an overview of the current status, but are also improving the treatment and prevention of lung diseases. By the way, be measured other diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis and lung health (disease). The study is managed by the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for COPD and Pneumological epidemiology at the Otto-Wagner-Spital in Vienna. The city of Vienna, the Wiener Krankenanstaltenverbund (KAV) and Ministry of health support the project. We are very proud that the persons in charge of this important study for choosing YouCon. The task is in some ways very intricate – and responsibly”, explains Peter Kugler, Managing Director of the YouCon GmbH. this long-term project also shows that there are still regularly challenges, can not be met with software solutions from the rod. Then the time of software makers in painstaking research and proposes together with the customer a software can develop that is tailored to the individual needs.” By the study design, immense amounts of data incurred in the course of time.